Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas! Our year in review

Well, it's December 22nd and the time has come to accept that I am not going to get Christmas cards sent out this year. However, I still want to let you all know that we do think of you often and want to wish you well this holiday season, so please accept this as our substitute Christmas card.

The good news is that I can include a lot more pictures this way, so I prepared a little slideshow of each of the kiddos over 2007. It was so fun remembering all the little things they've done and seeing how they've grown throughout the year. Hopefully, they won't take all of 2008 to load for you!

First up, Gracie. She's 4 AND A HALF now, still loving preschool at Fraser, and also taking a dance class on Wednesday nights. She just adores William (and sometimes Amelia), drawing, horses, unicorns, and anything pink, purple and/or sparkly.

Next up is Amelia. Oh my, does she love to experience life, which is my nice way of saying if there is a mess, Amee is definitely in it somewhere. So sweet, still cuddly, still singing, still covered in flour/glitter/mud/soap and anything else that will stick.

Finally, our sweet William. Already almost 7 months old! He's a smiley, jumpy, mama-loving boy. He's a talker too, and with such a deep voice! Not crawling yet, but that's okay by me. It's quite enough work keeping him safe as it is. He's our big boy, too. Already over 20 pounds!

As for Matt, he keeps busy with work, reading, playing with Gordie and the kids. And me? Always busy with those kiddos, and trying hard to appreciate all the good parts even as I try to keep Grace from antagonizing Amelia, Amelia from taking a "flour shower" in the kitchen ("It's like snow!"), and William from eating barbie shoes or dog food. I have found a creative outlet in sewing this year, and feel like showing off, so here's a slideshow of a few of the things I've done (mostly gifts, since I'm not good about taking pictures of most things).

We wish you all the best this coming year!

Much love,
Christy, Matt, Gracie, Amee, and Liam

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Amelia made the paper...

...and she didn't even have to break the law to do it! (Yes, we were surprised too) - haha. We were doing a little thrift store shopping (buying all of your Christmas gifts...) and there was someone from the paper there taking pics since it turned out to be the night of their big 25th anniversary celebration. Here's the link to the story (it's a little lower down the page... click on the picture to see a bigger version):

Monday, December 3, 2007

A bunch of pics from this fall

It's been well, half a year since I've updated this, and the kiddos are looking different so I guess it's time for an update! Sorry that some of the pics are sideways. It's late and if I screw around trying to fix it, I probably won't update this. So sideways pics it is.

As for Gracie's hair, she cut it herself. Well, she cut it that length and the nice hairstylist at Kids Hair finished it up. Cute but a bit traumatic for me. She's very happy with it though. Apparently her friends at school have the same cut. And I thought that wouldn't start until at least elementary school...

Enjoy...and you can't see it in the pictures, but Liam got his first two teeth this past week! My is he growing!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Welcome Baby Liam!

William Bruce Pettis arrived on Saturday, May 26th at 9:56 pm. Here's some pictures of our handsome little guy!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Bedelia's Birthday, Castle Beds, and More!

Yes, we've moved to a new online home. Please be sure to change your bookmarks since will be shutting down soon. And now for the stuff you come here to see...

We celebrated Amee's birthday last night with friends and immediate family (extended family, we hope to have a joint party for both girls later!). It was a Princess Party and I do believe a good time was had by all (birthday girl included, but especially big sister!). Amee is currently obsessed with Cinderella and the color yellow so we tried to have both at her party. She really loved her cake, despite trying to ruin it the night before the party (and just about killing her mother)-a picture of her Cinderella cake and some pictures from the party are included in the slideshow. I believe her favorite part of the party was when we sang "Happy Birthday" to her. She sat in sort of stunned silence during the singing, but later when I asked her if she wanted more cake, she said she wanted "more Happy Birthday to You." So we sang it a few more times together.

Gracie especially liked the cake, the friends, the presents, the cake... She's a party girl. She is also busy planning her birthday.

Also included are some pictures of the girls' new beds. The pic of Gracie's bed is a bit blurry but I decided that seeing as how it took me over a month to get this picture, it'll have to do.
